Morning Has Broken

It is a beautiful, crisp morning. I just completed my brisk walk for 25 minutes. The air was invigorating. The dew on the roadside flowers was captivating. The sunshine was exhilarating. But some people missed it.

I walked past a middle-aged man, buried in a hoodie, smoking something. As I approached him, I said, “It’s a beautiful, crisp morning!” He barely looked up and mumbled something that I couldn’t hear, but I did smell what he was smoking. He missed it completely, in favor of choosing a methodology that he thought would bring him more than the fresh air.

A few minutes later, I passed another man whose legs were not straight, and he walked with a limp, again a middle-aged man. I said the same thing, “It’s a beautiful, crisp morning!” and he said, “I love this weather!” We went on our ways.

Did I make an impact? I have no idea, but I do know it was 12 degrees. Now for my American friends, that’s 12 degrees Celsius, not Fahrenheit. (I have no idea why one country, who conceives of itself as the world leader, on a point like that would stick with a measure only held in common by the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands. We must speak the language that people understand.)

I know for certain that any individual who is in the doldrums with the pattern of drugging themselves with false methodologies and beliefs will never discover a breakthrough pathway for life until they hear the right messages.

From my side of the conversation speaking the correct messages is a matter of speaking in terms they understand and then moving them from their language and thought patterns as they exist to discover a whole new way of viewing the world. There is a certain new way for this new day. And it has been around and undiscovered because those who know the secret don’t share it enough. “if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Breaking through the drugged-out haze to see the sunlight will only happen if we find a way to communicate the Good News in more ways more often to more people.

On a clear crisp morning it might start with an upbeat voice and a smile. Then one person at a time from there.

Oh and since I need to practice what I preach for my US friends 12 Celsius is about 54 Fahrenheit. That’s the global system and we are not going back.